How does accident coverage work?

During these challenging and uncertain times, we at FedAdvantage are here to support your questions and concerns regarding your coverage as it relates to the Coronavirus. We have worked with The Standard to help address common questions regarding the disability plan. Here is a link to the latest information regarding COVID-19 that The Standard is providing regarding eligibility and claims:


Eligibility: If employees lose eligibility due to reduced work hours, a partial or full furlough, or a temporary layoff, The Standard is willing to extend coverage through June 30, 2020 as long as premiums continue to be paid. 

LTD Benefits: For a LTD benefit to be payable, there must be a reduction of work hours and supporting medical diagnosis to support the disability. Being quarantined (self, voluntary, or mandatory) does not in itself qualify for a LTD benefit to be payable.

LTD Waiting Periods: Waiting periods are not waived or shortened due to COVID-19. 

For any questions, please contact FedAdvantage at the following:

  • Customer Service at 1-866-973-6605 (Monday – Thursday, 8am to 4pm Central Time)
  • For salary updates, email, phone, address changes, or other requests, please complete this Customer Service Request form Email at
  • Live Chat on (Monday - Friday, 8:00am - 3:00pm Pacific Time)